OpenGHGMap is an online map-based platform built on OpenStreetMap with total GHG emissions values for European municipalities.
Suitable for which city climate journey stage? | Establishing an emissions baseline |
Tool strengths | - Publicly available, scientifically peer-reviewed methodology |
Tool limitations |
- Only covers Scope 1 and CO2 emissions - Not aligned with GPC or CRF - No functionality for cities to input their own local data to improve the accuracy of the output. - Only available for cities in Europe |
Geographic location/countries | Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom |
Language | English |
Accessibility | Free to use |
The tool downscales national level CO2 emissions data (from Eurostat) to city-level by spatially disaggregating the data using OpenStreetMap, an open source global geographical database. The data is disaggregated into nine emissions categories. Vehicle emissions are attributed across fuel stations, train emissions at stations and aviation bunker fuel emissions at airports. Industrial source emissions are located at the registered address where these emissions physically occur or are legally controlled. |
Documentation of methodology | and |
Data quality/verified by 3rd party | The dataset was compared against self-reported data from 44 European cities. There was very high agreement between the datasets, despite the different methods and timing of the city inventories. The data has been scientifically peer-reviewed. |
Alignment with global standards and protocols (eg GPC and CRF ) | Not aligned with GPC or GCoM CRF. |
Emissions scopes | 1 |
GHGs | CO2 |
Sectors included | Transport (vehicles, airports, harbours, train stations), stationary energy (buildings), industrial facilities, farms and refineries |
Scopes, GHGs and sectors excluded | GHGs: CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3. Scopes: 2 and 3, Sectors: waste and LULUCF. |
Temporal resolution | Annual |
Spatial resolution | City boundary, county, and state (following the administrative levels used in each country). |
Functionality for city to make adjustments | No functionality for cities to input their own local emissions data. The user can switch between local authority and regional boundaries. |
Latest accounting year | 2018 |
Frequency of data updates | Unknown |
Units | Metric tonnes (t CO2) or metric tonnes per capita (t CO2/per capita) |
Using the tool, data outputs and how it can be exported | Users can access the tool on the OpenGHGMap website and navigate to their city and explore the data visually, including switching between units. To download the data, the user should navigate to the tool’s “About” page where they can download an excel file of the full dataset for cities, including total emissions and emissions breakdown by sector. Please note the sectors are not aligned with the GPC or CRF so would need to be mapped against them to report the data against these protocols. The data only provides direct Scope 1 emissions and only includes CO2. Cities would need to combine this data with other Scope 2 and 3 data and other GHG data to develop a full, comprehensive inventory. |
Additional tool functionalities | None |