You can view public CDP responses and scores for companies, cities states and regions, below for both current and previous years* – please note that 2024 responses won't be available. You can search for a company or city, and refine your search, above.
To view a response in full, select it in the table below (eg ‘Climate Change 2023’, ‘Cities 2023’). If you’re already a registered user, you will need to log in first to do this. If you’re a new user, or you are interested in purchasing access to 2024 responses, please contact [email protected] to inquire about licensing our data (via an Excel extract).
연도 | Program | 상태 | 점수 |
2015 | Supply Chain 2015 | 제출됨 |
사용할 수 없음
사용할 수 없음
2015 | Climate Change 2015 | 제출됨 |
2015 | Water 2015 | 참여가 거절됨 |
사용할 수 없음
2014 | Climate Change 2014 | 제출됨 |
2014 | Water 2014 | 응답 없음 |
해당 없음