Public authorities and Crown corporations run critical systems used by millions of people each day, such as water, power, transportation, housing and waste management. They have a profound environmental and social impact. And as storms, wildfires and other climate change impacts become more severe and frequent, these vital systems are increasingly under threat.
Public authorities and Crown corporations are already taking environmental action. How do they know they are managing what matters most? And how do they let their investors, regulators and customers know of their progress?
In 2022, CDP launched a new environmental disclosure model tailored specifically for public authorities, including an annual questionnaire. Disclosure helps public authorities manage environmental impacts and risks, uncover opportunities and benchmark against peers.
Investors, regulators and customers seek to understand public authorities’ environmental risk exposure and direct and indirect contributions to the climate crisis. Through data transparency, public authorities can meet stakeholder expectations and align with best practices to mitigate risk and increase resiliency.
In 2024, public authorities disclose through the Public Authorities questionnaire. This is different from the longer, full questionnaire that most companies complete, in that the Public Authorities questionnaire shows:
The Public Authorities questionnaire is not scored.
Public authorities can choose to disclose through either the Public Authorities questionnaire or the full questionnaire except those responding to a supply chain request – they must respond to the full questionnaire which now includes the Public Authorities questionnaire outlined above.
Note, the full questionnaire:
Contact us to learn more about disclosing and how to access CDP's Portal or read more about disclosing in 2024.
CDP provides the platform for public authorities to disclose environmental information at the request of their investors and other stakeholders. In addition to responding to this request, public authorities disclosing to their requesting stakeholders through CDP can gain tangible benefits:
Demand for climate-related disclosure has increased significantly since the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) released its recommendations. Public sector leaders have noted the importance of transparency on climate-related issues with several national governments and public sector organizations formally supporting the TCFD.
Disclosure demonstrates responsiveness to the expectations of capital markets and signals sustainability leadership to potential investors. In some cases, disclosure and transparency can help lead to a lower cost of capital when borrowing.
Reporting your pipeline of infrastructure and environmental projects through CDP’s questionnaire can help your organization attract climate finance. Public authorities are already making use of CDP’s Matchmaker program, showcasing climate and resiliency projects to the capital markets. Explore CDP’s resources to support sustainable infrastructure projects.
CDP disclosure helps us align our climate change mitigation practices with global best practices, as well as understand the internal processes needed to strengthen and institutionalize the Agency’s long-term success in responding to climate change.Christine Weydig, Director of the Office of Environmental and Energy Programs at the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
CDP works on an annual disclosure cycle – see the timeline for responding. The annual questionnaire is designed so you can add responses over time with no minimum reporting requirements. If you are interested in reporting through CDP, please contact us at [email protected].
To learn more about how your organization can become a leader in utilizing environmental data disclosure to reduce emissions and attract investment, check out our Next Steps Guide for Public Authorities.
Watch this webinar for an introduction to CDP reporting for Public Authorities in 2023:
Public authorities are increasingly striving to manage environmental risks. Many are seeking financing for capital-intensive sustainability projects which, when implemented with an intentional equity focus, often directly benefit and empower historically marginalized communities and have immediate and long-term social impacts, such as reducing air pollution. But we must move faster and be bolder.
Fortifying our critical infrastructure systems can help cities and states withstand extreme weather caused by climate change, as well as create jobs, enhance social equity and drive economic development in their regions.
CDP disclosure helps public agencies seeking capital to share information with investors and funders as well as users of public services. Transparency promotes effective and efficient flows of capital and equitable community investment, allowing the resilient, green cities and states of tomorrow to take shape today.
CDP has valuable content for public authorities and investors looking to finance infrastructure projects in the US and Canada.
The Dallas/Forth Worth Airport’s dedication to sustainability is increasing its ability to raise investment capital and keep its doors open during severe weather.
Arizona is investing in two critical drivers for economic attraction and growth: sustainability and transparency.
In June 2021, CDP and NY State announced it will collaborate to develop an environmental disclosure model tailored specifically for public authorities.
Watch this presentation from Eric Wilson, Vice President, Climate Resilience & Sustainability Planning at the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) on the MTA's work with CDP on the risks, opportunities and impacts of climate change in New York: