The London Business Climate Leaders (LBCL) sees the Mayor of London and businesses working together to reduce carbon emissions in London. It is facilitated by global sustainability leaders: CDP, C40, The B Team and the We Mean Business coalition, with funding provided by the Ikea Foundation.
LBCL puts London at the forefront of global cities acting on climate change. It aims to be a blueprint for global city-business collaboration on climate, for cities and businesses across the world to adapt and replicate. Greater action in cities will help meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
"When it comes to climate change there are some that like to paint business as the problem, but I see business as being absolutely integral to the solution. The only way we’re going to tackle climate change effectively is to work in partnership."Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London
The Mayor of London has set bold targets on climate change, but he cannot achieve them alone. Business action is essential to achieve a greener future for the city. LBCL companies are working with the Mayor to translate global commitments on reducing emissions into concrete local actions. The initiative, which launched in September 2018, has two phases:
The leadership group is formed of 11 high profile companies with London HQ or major London-based operations. All are recognised as climate leaders with either Science-Based Targets, a CDP A or A- score as of 2017, commitments to RE100, EP100 and EV100, and ambitious goals to be zero carbon or zero waste businesses by 2050.