CDP holds the most comprehensive collection of corporate environmental data globally. Our questionnaire is aligned with the world's most relevant frameworks and standards – this includes full alignment with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S2 issued by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Our data is disseminated throughout the market, and our investors access and use the data in their own investment practices.
Learn more about our data and tools for capital markets, below.
Capital market signatories can access our Signatory Portal, an online hub for CDP data and tools where investors can extract data, analyze responses and identify key engagement areas.
CDP’s Net-Zero Alignment Dataset (NZAD) helps capital markets to identify companies with 1.5°C targets and plans, and engage those without such commitments. NZAD has replaced CDP’s Temperature Ratings, to reflect the addition of indicators that go beyond forward-looking assessments and temperature-scoring.
An interactive data tool offering vital insights into corporate climate performance across different geographies, sectors and indices. Investors can use this world-leading aggregated data to make informed decisions about investments in S&P 500 and FTSE 100 indices.
The Water Watch - CDP Water Impact Index highlights the business activities with the greatest impact on water. It is a first-of-its kind tool which ranks over 200 industrial activities, according to their potential impact on water resources – both water quantity and water quality.
CDP has developed an annual quality-reviewed GHG modelled emissions dataset. This is built upon the original foundations of transparency, robust methods and value to investors while covering a wider universe of companies, integrating more relevant data points and expanding upon the types and pedigrees of the models used for estimation.
We can’t model out of thin air. We need the information and it is CDP’s data that underpins all our analysis.CalPERS