
Eneres logo

Tipos de ASP

Renewable Energy

Áreas de especialização

Climate Change

Tipos de parceiros


Tipos de organização





Data Collection & Software Services
Renewable Energy Procurement
Resilience & Adaptation
Energy Efficiency

A silver renewable energy solutions provider in Japan

ENERES, based on the know-how of energy supply-demand management it has accumulated since its foundation, offers the following energy-distribution services for corporate power consumers and power retailers:

Services for corporate power consumers (Energy Agent Service):

ENERES finds solutions to various issues related to electricity on behalf of customers, including renewable energy supply.

Services for power retailers:

ENERES offers total support for electric power businesses that require a high degree of expertise, ranging from starting up new power retail businesses to day-to-day energy supply-demand management services.

Services to promote renewable energy:

ENERES provides models of TPO (Third-Party Ownership) and PPA (Power Purchase Agreement), 100% renewable electricity (compliant with RE100), Tracking/Trading of Renewable Energy Certificates, and electric power demand-supply adjusting for corporate power consumers and power retailers.


Hiroyuki Honda - Business Planning Department Manager

Tatsuya Sakai - Business Planning Manager

© 2025 CDP Worldwide

Instituição de caridade registrada nº 1122330

Número de registro de VAT: 923257921

Uma empresa limitada por garantia registrada na Inglaterra nº 05013650