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Tipos de ASP


Áreas de especialização

Climate Change

Tipos de parceiros


Tipos de organização



United States


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
Scenario Analysis
Portfolio Carbon Footprinting
API connection
Data Collection & Software Services
Environmental Target Setting

A silver software solutions provider in the US

Persefoni’s Climate Management & Accounting Platform (CMAP) provides businesses, financial institutions, and governmental agencies the software fabric for managing their organization’s climate-related data, disclosures, and performance with the same level of rigor and confidence as their financial reporting systems.

The company’s software enables users to simplify the calculation of their carbon footprint, identify decarbonization strategies, and perform emissions reduction modeling aligned to different scenarios. They offer both paid and free products depending on the level of support needed.


Mike Galeski - Director, Climate Solutions

Mike Wallace - Chief Decarbonization Officer

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Número de registro de VAT: 923257921

Uma empresa limitada por garantia registrada na Inglaterra nº 05013650