CDP’s accredited solutions providers offer a range of services across a variety of sustainability issues. These include providers of independent, third-party verification services, sustainability software platforms, knowledge and tool providers, renewable energy solutions and more. We also partner with consultancies who provide a range of advisory and practical services.
We are excited to be partnering with two new silver accredited climate change consultancy solutions providers in South America:
From their offices in Brazil, Gestão Origami, work in partnership with national and international enterprises and organizations in order to find simple, practical solutions to the most complex challenges. They have a strong track record in implementing sustainability and climate change strategies and supporting companies to respond to CDP.
Based in Mexico, Valora Consultores is a boutique consulting firm in the areas of sustainability, innovation and environment. They help organizations and senior management teams to re-imagine their business models and value chains to find solutions to economic, social and environmental challenges.
We are also excited to welcome a new silver software accredited solutions provider in South America:
WayCarbon employs knowledge and technology to support organizations to overcome the challenges of climate change. WayCarbon’s software tools provide guidance on environmental asset management and the development of strategies and business models based on eco-efficiency and the low carbon economy.
We are delighted that two of our silver accredited solutions providers have renewed their partnerships with us:
First Climate is a renewable energy solutions provider in DACH and the UK which provides tailored services to develop and implement global renewable energy procurement strategies which meet CDP requirements and the GHG Protocol guidelines. They have expertise in climate change, environmental asset management and the development of strategies and business models based on eco-efficiency and the low carbon economy.
Lucideon is a verification solutions provider in the UK and US. A leading provider of sustainability assurance, Lucideon provides independent emissions verification and management systems certification, with services including third party assurance of climate change data, carbon and water footprints and sustainability reports.