CDP’s accredited solutions providers offer a range of services across a variety of sustainability issues. These include providers of independent, third-party verification services, sustainability software platforms, knowledge and tool providers, renewable energy solutions and more.
We’re extremely pleased to announce that The EcoAct Group have renewed their partnership with us, and are now a global gold climate change consultancy accredited solutions provider.
The EcoAct Group offers a wide range of best-in-class solutions to help companies effectively tackle the challenges of climate change. With over 12 years’ experience developing and implementing climate and carbon strategies and solutions, they help executives to transform their business models and make climate action a driver of performance.
We’re delighted that one of our global gold software accredited solutions providers has renewed their partnership with us:
UL EHS Sustainability empowers organizations to protect the well-being of workers, reduce risk, improve productivity, enhance compliance, and drive measurable business improvement through its EHS, occupational health, environmental, supply chain, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility platforms.
We’re also delighted that one of our silver climate change accredited solutions providers in the DACH region has renewed their partnership with us:
Swiss Climate is a provider of carbon management and sustainability services. Their expertise includes developing comprehensive climate strategies, establishing high quality carbon footprints, planning and implementing carbon reduction measures, developing carbon offset projects and communications and marketing.
Finally, we’re very pleased to announce that we have two new silver climate change consultancy accredited solutions providers:
ConTREEbute, accredited in Colombia, specializes in delivering solutions for the sustainability challenges that threaten the success and growth of companies. ConTREEbute is working with CAIA Ingeniería, an organization which defines and implements climate change strategies for companies, to provide interdisciplinary services to CDP respondents.
ClimatePartner is accredited in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. They implement customized solutions for calculating and offsetting CO2 emissions to achieve climate neutrality for companies, services and products, offering a broad portfolio of recognized carbon offset projects. They also support companies in all aspects of their CDP disclosure.
If you would like any further information about any of CDP’s service partners or corporate partnership program, please get in touch with Jenny Frings.