Japan, Asia-Pacific – Score, A
Mitsubishi Electric is working to understand and mitigate the risks it faces at all phases of its value chain. The power of data is central to Mitsubishi Electric’s approach to water stewardship. Within its own operations, the company developed an innovative Data Upload System, which monitors data on water withdrawals, discharge, treatment processes, quality, and consumption for each operation site. This data is aggregated annually to monitor water KPIs, and the trends inform Mitsubishi Electric’s future environmental management strategies. In its supply chain, the company is working to create a ‘recycling-based society’, monitoring local risk and tailoring procurement practices to the needs of the river basin and local stakeholders. Mitsubishi Electric screens and selects suppliers through a green accreditation system, surveying suppliers on their environmental management systems, compliance, and water risks. These practices are strengthening the company’s resilience.