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Data Collection & Software Services
Energy Efficiency
Environmental Target Setting
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
Portfolio Carbon Footprinting
Scope 3 Services
Value Chain Engagement

Tipos de ASP



United States

Tipos de socios


Tipos de organizaciones


Áreas de especialización

Climate Change
Sustainable finance

A Silver Software Solutions Partner in the United States

Aligning Sustainability and Business Impact

Gravity is a carbon and energy management platform aligning sustainability with business impact. Over 60% of Gravity’s customers have switched from other providers because the platform eases data collection through features like AI bill scanning and software integrations, preventing the need for spreadsheet templates. Gravity’s measurement capabilities seamlessly integrate with supplier engagement, ESG measurement, financed emissions, disclosure reporting, and energy tracking modules, allowing customers to execute energy reduction projects with vetted vendors.

"Gravity is the only solution that truly automates data ingestion and empowers us to go beyond reporting to reduce costs" – Sachin Shivaram, CEO, Wisconsin Aluminum Factory.


Jay Ruckelshaus, PhD

© 2025 CDP Worldwide

Número de organización benéfica registrada 1122330

Número de registro de VAT: 923257921

Sociedad limitada por garantía registrada en Inglaterra con el número 05013650