Turning Transparency to Action

CDP is wholly independent, with a clear purpose: to surface new information, enabling Earth-positive decisions to protect future generations. 

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The case for change 


The Earth can’t wait. Globally, we need to rapidly change the path we are on to have any chance of reaching a net-zero, Earth-positive future. At a time where emissions are rising, nature is fast disappearing and global economies are at risk; change data is the most strategic weapon we have. 

Without immediate environmental action, the world faces $US38 trillion in damages every year, with global incomes declining by 20%. But we have the power to change.

What can I do?

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CDP disclosure serves as a one-stop shop for understanding and disclosing according to relevant market and regulatory demands, supporting organizations on their path to compliance.

Embracing an Earth-positive mindset for a sustainable future 

Together we turn transparency into action.  

Earth-positive is the state of mind with which we act. It means making decisions with the best interests of the planet at heart, in line with what science tells us is required. In action, it means protecting and restoring the environment and reducing negative impacts on the planet, whilst protecting your bottom line . 

Why CDP? 


Driven by transparency, we shape and deploy the world’s most comprehensive and valuable environmental disclosure database.  


Mobilizing influencers in enterprise, capital, policy and science, our data enables decisions that matter most for our planet. 

Recognizing our responsibility, we continue to build on our independent and convening role to accelerate the change needed. 

Our Mission is Critical  Our Partnerships Matter  Our Commitment is Unwavering

New to CDP?

CDP runs the world’s only independent environmental disclosure system. We partner with leaders in enterprise, capital, policy and science, to enable Earth-positive decisions.

Disclosing your data every year does more than simply meet regulatory requirements. It empowers you to make decisions that ensure sustainable growth for your business — and planet — to thrive into the future. 

Sign up to find out more here 

When you partner with CDP, we provide you with the environmental data and insights you need to protect the Earth and your bottom line. Because investing in people and planet is the only path to balanced and sustainable growth. 

Sign up to find out more here 


Financial strategies that account for environmental impact are no longer optional. And that’s a good thing. Built on the right information, your models, portfolios and decisions can advance goals and drive ROI, all while aligning with regulation. 

Sign up to find out more here  


We need change. Urgently. We partner with leaders across enterprise, governments, capital, 

policy and science, sharing expertise and insights because when you see more, you can do more. 


Sign up to find out more here  


Take action

Want to take action today? Keep up to date with the latest news and events at CDP.

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Registered Charity no. 1122330

VAT registration no: 923257921

A company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 05013650

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