CDP Capital Markets Signatories

Financial Institutions are uniquely equipped to help mitigate environmental risks and push forward the low-carbon transition. For nearly two decades, CDP has demanded requested environmental disclosure and action from companies by bringing asset owners, asset managers, banks and insurers together to engage with them on an industrial scale.   

Become a Capital Market Signatory Explore Case Studies and InsightsDownload brochure

Financial Institutions are uniquely equipped to help mitigate environmental risks and push forward the low-carbon transition. For nearly two decades, CDP has demanded requested environmental disclosure and action from companies, by bringing asset owners, asset managers, banks and insurers together to engage with them on an industrial scale.

Each year, financial institutions working with CDP ask companies to disclose key environmental information. These requesting investors and banks can access companies’ responses and use our data on climate change, deforestation and water security to inform decision making, engage with companies, reduce risks, and identify opportunities. 

From portfolio building to policy setting, engagement to research, we work with investors to ensure comprehensive reported environmental data is integrated throughout the whole investment process. 

In 2024, 700+ capital markets signatories – representing more than US$142 trillion in assets – requested thousands of companies to disclose their environmental risks and impacts through CDP, creating the world’s largest database on environmental data.  

Become a Capital Market Signatory

Already a CDP Capital Markets Signatory? Access your account

Benefits for Capital Markets Signatories 

Access a thousand environmental datapoints on 6,000 large, mid and small cap companies

  • Access all company CDP scores, past and present, and export these offline to Excel

  • Access modelled Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions data set for 14,000+ companies. 

Capital Markets Signatories are also given access to our Signatory Portal, where they can extract data, analyze responses, and identify key engagement areas.  

  • Company disclosure tracker: Track the companies that respond to CDP on a rolling basis. 

  • Response dataset: Download the full response dataset or search for a specific response. Includes all companies that have disclosed through CDP, including historic responses. 

  • Scores dataset: View all CDP company scores across environmental issues, including historical scores 

Portal guidance for Capital Markets Signatories 


Promote critical environmental disclosure and engagement, aligned with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S2 and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), plus partial or full alignment with emerging reporting frameworks like the ESRS & TNFD. 

CDP provides a platform for investors to engage with companies at scale. Through CDP, investors drive corporate environmental reporting and use this information to identify and engage companies on their environmental impact. 

Help meet PRI Principles 1 to 4 (ESG investment analysis, active ownership, corporate disclosure, and investor collaboration). 

Participate in cutting-edge events in the audience or as a speaker, raise your environmental profile, and share best practices with your peers.

Receive newsletters on the latest developments across CDP’s programs worldwide and other news relating to CDP’s work. 

Access CDP's Net-Zero Alignment Dataset which compares implied temperature ratings and assesses corporate target-setting for 14,000+ companies, at an additional cost. 

Learn more

Benefits for Capital Markets Signatories 

Get access to current and historical company responses and scores

Gain access to CDP’s Signatory Portal

Promote critical environmental disclosure and engagement

Help meet PRI Principles 1 to 4

Receive public recognition of your environmental commitments

Receive regular CDP updates

Access CDP's Net-Zero Alignment Dataset

View current Capital Markets Signatories 

These financial institutions are actively supporting CDP’s disclosure mission as well as utilizing standardized CDP disclosure data to access the environmental performance of their current portfolios and potential future investments.

Integration of environmental data

Investors use our company data when selecting stocks, identifying the companies that will be better investments over the long term, based on their environmental position

Investors use our GHG emissions dataset to help assess the carbon footprint of their portfolios and for engagement priorities.   

Investors use our data and forward-looking metrics to identify and manage their exposure to environmental risks.  

As well as informing CDP research, our data is used by investors as part of their own ESG analysis, and feeds into the wider ESG research industry. 

Many investors use CDP data and insight to inform development of their own environmental policies.  

Our data can be used as a foundation for investment products and strategies, including custom indices.  

Track progress against your net-zero deforestation and other environmental commitments

Report the environmental impact of your investment and finance portfolios 

Evaluate the ambition of companies and how they plan to meet their target.   

Stock selection 

Carbon Accounting

Risk Management 

ESG Research 

Informing Policy 

Investment Products

Become a CDP Capital Markets Signatory

Make an inquiry with our team by completing the form below. You can also learn more about the program by downloading our brochure.

Discover more programs for financial institutions

Corporate Banking

Leverage CDP data for your financial products and accelerate your clients’ transition.

Learn more about our corporate banking program

Private Markets Program

Portfolio environmental data that is consistent, comparable and comprehensive across markets.

Learn more about our Private Markets Program

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Registered Charity no. 1122330

VAT registration no: 923257921

A company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 05013650

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