CDP Data Licenses

Access the largest primary environmental dataset in the world.

If you have a CDP account manager, please contact them directly to inquire about requesting a license.

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CDP shapes and deploys the world’s most comprehensive and valuable environmental disclosure database, putting the right data in the hands of those who can make the change the planet needs. CDP has led this charge for 25 years, and will continue to do so for as long as the world needs it.

Those who see the advantage of change can lead it. Almost all FTSE100 companies disclose through CDP and a majority (59%) are on track to meet their climate targets – far ahead of the average large company. Transparent disclosure is the direct path to decisive action. It’s time to get this message out. The Earth can’t wait.

This is the data that will power the transition, ensuring that together, we build a sustainable future that drives economic growth, innovation, and job creation. The information we surface doesn’t just show change. It catalyzes it.

Change data to power a planet that can’t wait.

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Primary environmental data

Companies report climate, water and forests data directly to CDP, backed by 746 investors with over $136 trillion in assets.

Take a historical view

Go back as far as 2011 to understand how companies are evolving.

Reporting standards aligned

100% TCFD-aligned and reflect the latest environmental science, regulatory developments, and market initiatives.

Corporate Response Datasets

Access the full and most recent CDP disclosure dataset as soon as it is published.

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This dataset contains comprehensive quantitative and qualitative TCFD-aligned data on how companies are managing climate change. 


  • Granular GHG emissions data across scopes 1, 2 and 3 

  • Net Zero Target data 

  • Detailed responses on Governance, Strategy, Risks and 

  • Opportunities in relation to climate change 

Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data on water-related impacts to companies with sector specific modules. 


  • Compliance issues and detrimental impacts, water-related risk exposure and management 

  • Financial impacts of water risk  

  • Internal governance on risk and opportunities 

  • Water implications of climate scenario analysis 

  • Water-related targets and goals  

  • Volumetric data around withdrawals, discharge, and consumption 

The world’s most comprehensive standardized dataset on corporate deforestation risk management across seven key commodities: palm oil, timber products, cattle products, soy, natural rubber, cocoa and coffee and additionally mineral and coal extraction. 


  • Distinct company reporting on one or all of the key soft commodities 

  • Assessments of risks and opportunities within operations and supply chain including financial impacts 

  • Reporting on commitments, policies and compliance to prevent deforestation and improve traceability 

  • Disclosure on certification for sustainable land management 

  • Quantitative reporting on consumption and production of at-risk commodities including origin and proportion of revenue at risk 

  • Comprehensive suite of land-based metrics 

cdp corporate response data sets data licenses

Curated Datasets 

CDP builds on its database of reported data and applies CDP-owned methodologies in cleaned, modelled and insightful data products. 

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CDP’s Net-Zero Alignment Dataset provides target-based temperature alignment scores for thousands of companies, accompanied by GHG emissions and transition plan data for target credibility assessments and measuring net-zero alignment.

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The CDP-WWF Temperature Scoring Methodology


  • Applicability: Can be used to assess net-zero alignment of corporate 

  • issuers under many target-setting frameworks, including the SBTi 

  • Framework for Financial Institutions, the Net Zero Investment Framework, and the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. 

  • Actionability: Rests on transparent CDP disclosure of companies to support investors as they build sound engagement strategies. 

  • Transparency: Builds on publicly available methodologies, such as the CDP/WWF Temperature Ratings methodology and CDP’s resources on Corporate Transition Plans. 

  • Relevance: Is regularly updated with new data and features required for portfolio target setting in line with external requirements. 

CDP provides a score ‘A-F’ for each investor requested company through a transparent methodology. 


  • Assesses environmental stewardship based on comprehensiveness of response, awareness of environmental issues, management methods and progress towards action 

  • Simplifies hundreds of datapoints within each response into a metric that can be used to consider as part of your financial decision-making process CDP scores are available for each of CDP’s questionnaires: Climate Change, Forests and Water Security  

CDP’s proprietary dataset models emissions for a group of the highest-emitting public companies and constituents of the MSCI ACWI. 


  • Reported and estimated emissions for Scope 1. 

  • Location-based and market-based Scope 2, Scope 3. 

  • Fuel, steam, heat, electricity & cooling (SHEC) data. 

  • Reported renewable energy and fuel usage. 

  • Return of Carbon Intensity datapoint (S1 + S2 / 1M company revenue) 

  • New ranking of emissions (S1+S2MB or LB) from high to low

Providing modelled and reported emissions covering over 13,500 companies CDP is facilitating analysis around the exposure of companies and investor portfolios to carbon risk through strengthening the accuracy and completeness of the GHG emissions data available to investors. Beginning in 2015, it developed an annual quality reviewed GHG modelled emissions dataset. The dataset is built upon the original foundations of transparency, robust methods and value to investors while covering a wider universe of companies, integrating more relevant data points and expanding upon the types and pedigrees of the models used for estimation. This work has been supported by CDP’s Technical Advisory Committee (Data), which provided expert advice during the course of the initial project. 



CDP license curated disclosure datasets

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Important: If you're a current CDP Capital Markets Signatory, CDP Supply Chain member, Reporter Services member, Enhanced Admin Fee Payer or have previously disclosed through CDP, please contact your CDP account manager or the CDP Help Center directly, instead of completing this form.

If you are interested in obtaining a license for your organization or academic institution to use CDP data, please make an inquiry by completing the form below.

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