CDP Scores and A Lists
By scoring companies, cities, states and regions, CDP incentivizes and guides them on a journey towards leadership on environmental transparency and action.
Whether an organisation is at the beginning of its journey, working hard to improve its score year-on-year, or leading the way in environmental transparency, comprehensive disclosure enables them to make Earth-positive decisions to protect future generations.
It’s a tool to see clearly, act decisively and create change.

Corporate A List
Success in this decade demands sustainability. That’s why companies representing two-thirds of global market capitalization, including 85% of the S&P500 and 93% of the FTSE 100, disclose through CDP. Following another record year of disclosure, more than 22,000 corporates were scored by CDP in 2024, assessing their transparency and action as they work to integrate Earth-positive decisions into their business models.
Update - February 7, 2025: we will publish the Corporate A List and 2024 scores together in Q1 2025 (date TBC).

What is leadership?
By scoring companies from D- to A, CDP takes them on a journey from disclosure, through understanding what to measure and finally how to take tangible, Earth-positive actions.
Even companies that achieve an A – although among the most transparent when it comes to disclosure and performance on climate change, deforestation or water security – are by no means at the end of their environmental journey.
CDP disclosure and the A List play a key role in keeping companies on a journey of continuous environmental improvement. We regularly raise the bar for what qualifies as environmental leadership in line with emerging science, feedback from stakeholders, and market needs for greater environmental transparency.
Cities, States and Regions A List
Responsible for more than 70% of global emissions, and home to more than half the world’s population, cities are critical in the fight against climate change. Many cities are building on the momentum in their environmental action, making it mainstream to their operations. This is reflected in the growing number of cities that are consistently receiving an A, despite the tightening criteria to achieve this.
To score an A, a city must disclose publicly through CDP-ICLEI Track, have a city-wide emissions inventory, a climate risk and vulnerability assessment (CRVA), and a published climate action plan, among other things.
The A List, which was started by CDP in 2018, recognizes cities that have received the highest score for transparency and bold climate action, and celebrates their achievements, vision and commitment in the fight against climate change.
Update - February 6, 2025: we will publish the Cities, States and Regions A List and 2024 scores at a later date in 2025, following the corporate A List release (date TBC).
CDP public scores
We will be updating this page with the 2024 public scores shortly.
Accessing public corporate responses
Until the end of 2024, anyone with a CDP login had limited access to view individual corporate public disclosure responses through our website, usually 20 responses.
We are making some changes to this system to gain a more in-depth understanding of what data is being used in the market and for what purposes, so that we can develop a meaningful permanent solution that meets the needs of our stakeholders.
In the meantime, there are still several ways to access CDP data, depending on the type of organization you are and how it will be used