ABNT NBR ISO 14064-3:2007 (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas)
Advanced technologies promotion Subsidy Scheme with Emission reduction Target (ASSET)
Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) des Airports Council International Europe
Alberta Specified Gas Emitters Regulation
Attestation Standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants/AICPA. Only assurance done using the following AICPA specific AT-C sections in combination are accepted:
AT-C 105 with AT-C 205 for Examination engagements
AT-C 105 with AT-C 210 for Review Engagements
Australia National Greenhouse and Energy Regulations (NGER Act)
California Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulations (also known as Californian Air Resources Board Regulations)
Verification under this regulation can be annual, biennial or triennial. If a company is in the process of having the current reporting year's emissions verified, they should report "third party verification or assurance underway - last year's statement attached" and attach the most recent statement from within the three years prior to the current reporting year. This guidance was updated in January 2013.
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook: Assurance Section 5025
Only High levels of assurance are accepted, as Moderate is a 'review', rather than a full verification process.
Carbon Trust Standard
Companies should attach both the certification letter and certificate. Verification of GHG emissions as part of CTS certification can be annual or biennial. If a company is in the process of having the current reporting year's emissions verified, they should report "third party verification or assurance underway - last year's statement attached" and attach documentation from the most recent year with verification but no earlier than two years prior to the current reporting year. This guidance was updated in January 2013.
Chicago Climate Exchange verification standard
The Climate Registry's General Verification Protocol (also known as California Climate Action Registry (CCAR))
Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC)
National Company of Auditors (Pratique professionnelle relative au rapport du Commissaire aux Comptes sur certaines données ou informations environnementales et sociales ou sur les procédures d’établissement de ces données ou informations, contenues dans le rapport rendant compte en matière de « développement durable.)
Corporate GHG Verification Guidelines from ERT
Only Tier III and Tier II where it is clear that the verification has been performed by an independent third party.
DNV Verisustain Protocol/ Verification Protocol for Sustainability Reporting
This standard is only acceptable where the verification statement clearly confirms the independence of the verifier from the reporting organization and/or the data collection process.
Earthcheck Certified
For organisations in the travel and tourism industry. Scope 1 & 2 verification only. “Earthcheck Benchmarked” status under the same program does not include 3rd-party verification, thus is not an accepted standard.
ERM GHG Performance Data Assurance Methodology
IDW PS 821: IDW Prüfungsstandard: Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Prüfung oder prüferischer Durchsicht von Berichtenim Bereich der Nachhaltigkeit
IDW AsS 821: IDW Assurance Standard: Generally Accepted Assurance Principles for the Audit or Review of Reports on Sustainability Issues
ISAE 3000
Dutch Standard 3000A
ISAE 3410, Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements
This standard is valid for assurance reports covering periods ending on or after 30th September 2013.
ISO 14064-1
This service is only acceptable if it is evident that ISO 14064-3 was used by the verifier as guidance for the verification.
ISO 14064-3
JVETS (Japanese Voluntary Emissions Trading Scheme) Guideline for verification
Korean GHG and energy target management system
NMX-SAA-14064-3-IMNC: Instituto Mexicano de Normalización y Certificación A.C
CRevR 6 Bestyrkande av hållbarhetsredovisning (RevR 6 Assurance of Sustainability)
RevR6 Procedure for assurance of sustainability report from Far, the Swedish auditors professional body
Saitama Prefecture Target-Setting Emissions Trading Program
Standard 3810N Assurance engagements relating to sustainability reports of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Registered Accountants
SGS Sustainability Report Assurance
This service is only acceptable where the verification statement clearly confirms that the assurance is provided in accordance with ISO 14064-3 or AA1000AS.
Spanish Institute of Registered Auditors (ICJCE)
SSAE 3000
This guidance covers two processes, for CDP purposes we would only accept the process A. Emissions inventory of companies and organizations that report to the Israeli Voluntary GHG Registry; and not process B.
Swiss Climate CO2 label
Thai Greenhouse Gas Management Organisation (TGO) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification Protocol
Toitū Envirocare’s carbonreduce certification standard
Companies should attach the Toitū carbonreduce certificate and assurance statement. Verification of GHG emissions as part of Toitū carbonreduce certification is annual. If a company is in the process of having the current reporting year's emissions verified, they should report "third party verification or assurance underway - last year's statement attached" and attach documentation from the previous year. Companies who have third-party verification using CEMARS should select this option in the questionnaire.
Toitū climate positive
Toitū net carbonzero
Tokyo Emissions Trading Scheme
Verification under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) Directive and EU ETS related national implementation laws
1 The assurance provider needs to be subject to Parts A and B of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (the IESBA Code), or professional requirements, or requirements in laws or regulations, that are at least as demanding and/or clearly demonstrates equivalent independence in the assurance statement.
2 Only assurance engagements that state that they are in accordance with the regulations and NGER (audit) determination 2009. Verification engagements do not give an opinion and therefore will not meet our criteria for the statement. Submitting data under NGER does not automatically confer to achieving an appropriate level of verification unless the condition stipulated previously is met.