CDP can support your environmental journey – turning data into Earth-positive impact.

CDP pioneered climate disclosure at the turn of the millennium. Founded in the knowledge that transparency drives action, CDP convinced 35 forward-looking investors to make a simple request to companies: disclose your emissions data so we can make smarter decisions.  

Now with the world’s largest, most comprehensive dataset on environmental action, the insights that CDP holds empower investors, companies, cities, and national and regional governments to make Earth-positive decisions

It’s time to create a world where people, planet and profit are truly balanced. Transparent disclosure holds the key and, now, CDP’s role is more important than ever. So, we are stepping up our efforts to collect the data needed to surface new information, enabling you to make Earth-positive decisions to protect future generations.  

Our Mission is Critical  Our Partnerships Matter  Our Commitment is Unwavering

CDP's 25th Year

25 years since CDP pioneered disclosure, seeing the change catalyzed by data first-hand, the number of investors backing CDP’s annual request has ballooned to more than 700, representing a quarter of all global institutional financial assets.

Now, companies representing two-thirds of global market capitalization – from 130 countries – disclose critical environmental data through CDP. Within two years of an investor request, companies disclosing through CDP reduce their direct emissions by 7-10%. These investors are more likely to engage with, and divest from, top emitters disclosing through CDP

However, compounding crises have left us at a crossroads. Awareness has accelerated, but emissions are still rising and nature is disappearing. Costs to the Earth will also cost us our economy. We already face US$38 trillion in damages a year by 2050, with incomes to decline by almost 20%.   

Why Disclose?Why use data?

CDP highlights

CDP logo change gif

Turning Transparency to Action

The case for change: The Earth can’t wait. Globally, we need to rapidly change the path we are on to have any chance of reaching a net-zero, Earth-positive future.

Take action

why disclose environmental data through CDP? CDP purpose and vision.

Alignment with Disclosure Frameworks and Standards

By aligning our corporate questionnaire with the world’s most relevant frameworks and standards, CDP makes them truly interoperable by bringing them together in one place.

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About CDP 2025 disclosure of environmental data, water, climate change, plastics, and forests

Disclosure 2025

Transparent disclosure. Actionable insights. Real impact. It’s time to create a world where people, planet and profit are truly balanced. Transparent disclosure holds the key and, now, CDP’s role is more important than ever.

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Insights, reports, and case studies

© 2025 CDP Worldwide

Registered Charity no. 1122330

VAT registration no: 923257921

A company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 05013650